Lead Paint at Home
Learn about protecting your family from lead hazards in your home and other housing protections
The Lead Paint Project
Who we are
Kids Legal's Lead Paint Project was created in 2015 to help protect families and kids in Androscoggin County who are at high-risk for lead poisoning because of the lead-based paint in their homes.
Attorneys represent parents of children that have been poisoned by lead in their homes and those concerned that their homes may have lead hazards. They help parents navigate Maine's lead paint, housing, and special education laws. They also advocates on behalf of families if their children need special education services as a result of lead poisoning.
Maine Lead Paint News
Maine Lead Paint News
We do our best to keep on top of the most recent developments in lead paint issues. Check here for the latest news!
Lead poisoning hits new Mainers hard
Fears, language barrier, cultural differences make bad situation worse
Lead Paint: Additional Resources
There are many people working on the issue of childhood lead poisoning in the State of Maine:
Maine's Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program
Maine's CLPPP is part of Maine's Center for Disease Control. They have great information for parents, healthcare providers, landlords/property managers, and others.
Find their website here.
Lead Testing: What to Expect in Maine
Keeping Your Family Safe
The best way to keep your family safe from lead is to have your kids and home tested for lead.
Testing Your Home
A simple, and free, home lead dust test is available from the Maine Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program. If your house or apartment was built before 1978, it may have lead based paint. If that paint is chipping or peeling, it is even more important to find out if it is lead based paint.
What is Lead and Why is it Bad?
Lead is a naturally occuring substance that can cause serious damage to developing children, pregnant women, and even adults.
Lead is a metal found in nature. Lead was used for thousands of years - in bullets, pipes, construction, and paint. Eventually, people learned that lead is dangerous if it gets into our bodies.